Monday, September 21, 2009

I Met Someone In Big Bear: Gratitude

To all my friends and acquaintances who cheered for me in the beginning;

To all those who followed my story at the center of its gravity;

And to each and everyone of you who consoled me in the end:

Thank you.

It’s amazing how technology keeps people together and touches peoples lives with a push of a button, a swipe of a finger, a voice call transmission.

Your words, both written and spoken, were my shelter from the storm. They served as collective compass that guided me as I went through an emotional limbo.

It’s hard to write about something hurtful, specially when it started beautifully. It's scary to put yourself out there. You'll never know what people will say about you.

If life were a movie, I want to be a scriptwriter. I’m going to change the narrative of “I Met Someone In Big Bear” so the story will go a different direction.

Peter will finally reach a relationship milestone and "Andy" will have found someone he never thought he could ever have.

Or, Peter's inner whore will give in to "Andy's" slutty advances and they consummate their lust inside a car - in the evening and the next morning.

Life is not a movie, though. Endings are not always how we want them to be. Reality bites, as one movie title goes.

But writing truthfully from the heart, no matter how bleak, is cathartic. In the end, the wound heals you. In the end, darkness gives you a better appreciation of enlightenment. In the end, the setback in the present helps you move on towards the future.

To “Andy”, man, you and I would’ve been great. I would’ve given to you everything of me that has been bottled up all these years. But, no. It didn’t turn out that way, did it? You simply left me hanging out in the cold - for no expressed reason.

The only thing I can come up with is: I wasn't ready to give you what you wanted, and you weren't willing to give me what I needed. Our intentions were not aligned. Maybe we'll meet again in the future. Maybe then, we'll both be ready and willing and available - on all terms. Maybe.

Nevertheless, thank you for now being part of my personal history. Big Bear now means more to me than snowboarding in winter and jet-skiing in summer. The fleeting moments of passion we shared in Big Bear will stay with me for as long as I can remember.

I now have a wonderful memory of that quaint little lake village way up high in the mountains where the heavens almost kisses us mere mortals - almost.

I Met Someone In Big Bear Part 1
I Met Someone In Big Bear Part 2
I Met Someone In Big Bear Part 3


  1. wow! You're very brave for sharing. I've only read part 2 & 3 just now and I didn't expect it to end that way. It seems you're moving forward and it's a very good thing that you're not giving away your POWER to the person who hurt you. Goodluck pete in finding the right person. You have a good heart. Thanks for sharing and don't let this bad experience keep you from living and loving your life to the fullest!!!

    Hasmine Gonzaga Manalungsung
    Sep 23 Wed 4:47am

  2. peter, great ending. what will the next story. ur writing is amazing , enjoyed every bit of it. is definately is ur art.

    u went through the storm and ending on the other side of the rainbow. light shines on u. j is still searching. someday he will learn compassion, when karma catchs up to him. u learn by living.

    Ed Mendoza
    Sep 24 Thu 7:32am

  3. Very thoughtfull post on gratitude. It should be very much helpfull

    Karim - Mind Power

  4. You're welcome, Karim. I hope it helps a lot of people as it did me. Thank you for sharing your thought.
